4046 やってもいない研究の論文を書いてみることにより、
新しいテーマを発見するメソッドBy want to write a research paper do not even,
Find a problem that was not visible,
Method to find a new theme
France タンザニアの16年収監男はロマーニアからイアタリアのローマまでは9時間で吹っ飛ばせると言っていたが、Google Mapで視るとロマーニアの隣にはセルビア、ハンガリーがそのあとクロアチアに入ってゼグレブに抜けるか、直接ハンガリーからゼグレブに入ってそのあとイタリアの北部に入るルートしかない。本当に9時間でロマーニアの無名の都市から、この名前が思い出せないが、ローマまで、ロマーニアを夜出発して朝にはローマのテルミナ駅に着くことが出来るのだろうか?Look at the map of France. He had been imprisoned man to 16 years in Tanzania and Roman Iataria squish 9 hours from Romania, Serbia, Hungary or Croatia missing Zegurebu into the next to Romania and then viewed in Google Map , there is only route to enter the northern part of Italy after that into the Zegurebu direct from Hungary. From anonymous city of Romania, this is the name I can not remember really 9 hours, to Rome, I wonder if you can get to the station in the morning Termina Roman Romania starting the night?
でもあの話はとても面白かった。2010年3月10日逮捕、翌日の11日にCentral Jailセンタージェイルに収監された僕は2,3日後かその翌日かははっきり覚えていないが、所轄署の尋問で3日間グルシャンタナ、グルシャン所で取調べがあった。中央刑務所に帰ってくると、このタンザニア人は「俺の隣に、ベッドが用意してあると」にっこり笑った。そのあとは一年以上の蜜月があり、これは仲がよかったということ、そのあとナイジェリア人のサケが来てこの仲は壊れた。 刑務所の中でも友達は出来る。これは本当の実感。でもかなり複雑な感情が入り込んでくる。10年以上ここにいる連中は誰も信じることが出来なくなっている。That story was very interesting though. Arrested March 10, 2010, I was incarcerated in the Central Jail Center Jail on the 11th of the next day, but I do not remember clearly whether the next day or so after a few days, Gurushantana three days, sites Gulshan in the interrogation of police station under the jurisdiction There has been questioned. When I came back to the central prison, "next to me, and there is a bed available" this Tanzanian smiled. After that there is a honeymoon thing more than a year, this relationship that was good, this relationship broke salmon Nigerian Then come. Can still friends in prison. This is a real feeling. Fairly complex emotions come into though. Guys who are here are more than 10 years will not be able to trust anyone.
国境にはユダヤ人絶滅収容所で有名なTimisoara,ティミソアラ しかない。あの都市はあの男の創作だったのか? うそを教えてもし僕が行ったとき、困るように18年間に溜まった恨みを晴らそうというのか。あいつの懲役は62年の収監予定。2012年12月7日の時点最新情報では僕と同じ弁護士ジャハンギールが3ヶ月の保釈契約、50万タカのジャミンコントラクトをしたということだった。これはパキスタン人のアフザル「彼は偽造インドルピーの罪、でも持ってきた1400万ルピーは本物と変わりなくバングラデッシュリザーブバンクの本物というお墨付きをもらっている。これは僕もこの目で確認した。」No famous Timisoara, Timisoara only Jews in the extermination camps on the border. That city whether it was the creation of man? When I tell a lie if you do, I'll do that Haraso the resentment that has accumulated in the past 18 years as troubled. He is scheduled for a prison sentence of 62 years imprisonment. With the latest information as of the date of December 07, 2012 It was the same as my lawyer that Jahangir was bail in March month contract, the contract of Taka 500 000 Jamin. This Afuzaru Pakistani "He Rs 14 million has been with has got the endorsement of authentic Bangladeshi reserve bank without change as the real thing. It. Was confirmed with my own eyes, too, but the sin of Indian Rupee counterfeiting"
新しいテーマを発見するメソッド これはTWITTER のなかにあった発想のひとつ。By want to write a research paper do not even,
Find a problem that was not visible,
This method to discover the new theme is one of the idea that in the midst of TWITTER.
中で日本に残したたくさんの猫たちの事を再三思い出したが、母親が名づけた「器量悪し」という黒猫はうちの家ではなく外に住んでいたんだが、こいつは「マンガ忍者ハットリ君」の中の意地悪黒猫とそっくりだなあ。刑務所の中にもたくさん猫がいる、犬はいない。犬はイスラム社会ではハグレ者である。ワンチャンはククレ、ククル、犬ッコロはクッタである。クッタラバッチャというのがよく言われる非難の間投詞です。所謂「バカヤロウ」です。なんかあったなあ、イスラムのけがれを意味する言葉。その中に犬は入るようです。犬が刑務所の中にいない理由は色々あるでしょうが、ひとつにはイスラム社会では表立って犬を可愛がれないと言う現実があります。僕は外国人ですし、キリスト教なのでまったく問題ありません。Tries to perform security clearance through the Border Patrol, Benz mafia rip across the border from the city of Romania that do not have two years nine months, I also often at that time, the border at midnight. I had lunch and then ran straight to the station Terminus of Rome. Europe is all land bridge. Bairodo of this. I remember now the name of this town is written in the Bible probably. It's written in the margin of the Bible and closely packed, a variety of dream. This time I took between nine months and two years as well, and thought after leaving after leaving. From feelings of jealousy that was intertwined but there is no need to comfort each other in the story of the city not even go to the fights, prison bunch of foreigners will not be able to control.
In the outside world distorted human relationships I absolutely can not experience.Do I have something stuck in the trap of their own that are now hitting the keyboard is also doing this way, or whether it really was saved? Leave no room to ask yourself, spent months near this March.Do you live what you have first priority is human. or eating, or freedom can either belong to what religion do you belong to the most priority, what do I have to belong to the Japanese nation without religion. Company, society? Family? Lover? Sexual desire? Learning? Or money?In developed countries, it depends on which of these personal problems, in the outside world and also will have the property. In developing countries the problem is to manage the country. The center but do not bother me to the brink of jail on bail, who is a good thing even to interfere. Jamin guy wins tomorrow, if his bail tomorrow. With the new theme? I would think that the fundamental problem between the prison really. How do live without eating, what do live without sleep, or do not even have any friends live, or etc. I do not have a dog alive even people. But I ask any silly, in the world is very important.It reminded me again and again that our cats a lot left to Japan in, black cat that mother was named "bad personable" Although I've lived out rather than at home in the "you Ninja Hattori manga" this guy I wish just like in a mean black cat. There are many cats in the prison, it is not the dog. The dog is a stray in Islamic society. Wang Chang constricted, enclosed, Kkoro dog is Kutta. The accusation is that the interjection of Kuttarabatcha is often said. Is "EAT ME" so-called. I wish there was something, a word that means the impurity of Islam. Seems to enter the dog in it. There are various reasons why reality to say that the dog is not in the prison, but there will be, in part, in Islamic society would not openly Kawaigareru the dog. It is a foreigner and I do not have any problems at all, so Christianity
°C | °F km/時 | マイル/時 | m/秒
ルーマニア ティミショアラの天気
7°C とても寒いですねえ。寒さは僕にとって恐怖を喚起させます。喚起、カンキとは バングラ語で売春婦を表します。「売春婦の息子、カンキルプーラ」が日常的に使われるバカヤロウ。
ルーマニアのチャウシェスク首相はどこで首を吊られたのだろう?不老長寿の薬と療法を世界中から集めていた人物が自分の人民に捕まって首を吊られるとは、、、。人間の運命はすべて一寸先は闇といったところ。ヒトラーが復活して現代のドイツの代表的コメディアンになるという奇想天外の小説が現在ドイツでベストセラー。彼は未来を予知できたらしい、例えば30分後にここに爆弾が落ちるとかの。それくらいじゃないとカリスマには成れないよね。多分日本人とドイツ人の共通点、テクノロジーにも強いが不思議な事にも信奉がある。これは私日本人だから心底言えます。Weather information
° C | s m / | at miles / | at ° F km /
Weather in Timisoara Romania
Hey very cold 7 ° C. Cold evokes fear for me. Represents a prostitute in Bangla language arouse, and ventilation. Fuck you .. the "son of a prostitute, Kankirupura" is used on a daily basis.
Prime Minister of Romania, where Ceausescu was probably painful neck? I would be hanged man had collected from all over the world of medicine and therapy longevity is caught in his own people,,,. Human destiny will place such as an inch ahead is darkness all. Fantastic novel to become a comedian representative of modern Germany Hitler has resurrected current bestseller in Germany. Seems to have been able to foresee the future, he is the bomb here or fall after 30 minutes, for example. I can not bring charisma and it's not much. There are also followers strange similarities between Japanese and German, but also strong technology maybe. This is true because at heart I am Japanese.
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